Did You Know?
Many children who live in the surrounding communities never get to see the ocean; to learn about marine mammals; to have a first hand experience on the water and actually see whales, dolphins and other marine wildlife; to learn how much the world really needs them to become environmental stewards.
To meet this need, Marine Life Studies presents educational programs to children in schools, camps, and special events. Marine Life Studies' Ocean Literacy Educational Programs include the environmental and health hazards of marine debris, water and shore cleanups, marine wildlife entanglement, marine life research, photo ID and data collection, GPS positioning, and study and observation of marine wildlife in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. |

Click the button to the left to donate. To donate over the phone, contact us. If you would rather make a
donation by check or money order, please send to:
Marine Life Studies, PO Box 163, Moss Landing, CA 95039
donation by check or money order, please send to:
Marine Life Studies, PO Box 163, Moss Landing, CA 95039
- Marine Life Studies' Ocean Literacy Educational Programs have been presented by Peggy Stap and other Marine Life Studies' educators to over 10,000 elementary school children in Maui, Michigan, and Monterey/Santa Cruz Counties plus the San Francisco Bay Area in California since 1998.
- Marine Life Studies has been a Community Partner of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Monterey County since 2010 and provide free Marine Life Studies' Ocean Literacy Educational Programs to the children in the Monterey County communities of Monterey, Seaside, Salinas, and Marina, California.
- Marine Life Studies presented educational programs at the BLUE Ocean Film Festival in Monterey, California: Squid Eaters of Monterey Bay, Help Save the Ocean from Marine Debris, Take It To the Streets Community CleanupTM, Try Your Hand at Whale Disentanglement, and Learn to be a Whale Researcher with Photo Identification.
- Marine Mammal Research Science and Technology and Marine Debris Educational Programs were presented by Peggy Stap at Whale Quest Kapalua in Maui 2006-2009
- Marine Life Studies developed the Marine Life Studies Whale and Marine Wildlife Adventure and the Marine Life Studies Junior Research Scientist Program in cooperation with the Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District.
- Peggy Stap (Marine Life Studies) and Mary Whitney (Fluke Foundation) cofounded the Whale Entanglement Team (WET)® of Northern California to provide disentanglemt education and trainings.
Marine Life Studies' Junior Research Scientist Program™The Marine Life Studies Junior Research Scientist Program™ is a series of classes where children how to research whales and dolphins on the Monterey Bay. Exciting hands-on activities include: research techniques, photo identification, data collection, GPS positioning and a whale watch on Monterey Bay to practice newly learned research techniques.
Educational Program Topics Include:
Joey Jones Scholarship and Educational Fund
Classes and educational programs are funded in part through the Marine Life Studies Joey Jones Scholarship and Educational Fund in honor of Moss Landing resident and commercial fisherman, Joey Jones, who lost his life at sea April 3, 2008.
Joey’s love of the sea and fishing was the inspiration for the scholarship. He wanted to bridge the gap between the marine science and commercial fishing communities through cooperation, dialogue, education and research. Learn more about Joey. |

Click the button to the left to donate. To donate over the phone, contact us. If you would rather make a
donation by check or money order, please send to:
Marine Life Studies, PO Box 163, Moss Landing, CA 95039
donation by check or money order, please send to:
Marine Life Studies, PO Box 163, Moss Landing, CA 95039
2020 has been an extraordinary year for all of us worldwide. We are all affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and it has surely shaped our daily lives. The silver lining in all of this, is that it pushed us to learn more about connecting through media, making creative art and educational videos, fun for all ages.
Click here for links to education videos and games!
Click here for links to education videos and games!
Read about how Marine Life Studies is making a difference for children at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Monterey County.